Strings by Heart Foundation

Is Looking For A

Program Director

Strings by Heart Foundation
Administration, Management
Program Director
SBH Academy Program Director
(20 hours/week, may fluctuate, with the potential to grow into full time)
Strings By Heart is an entirely free music school based in Harlem, teaching students K-5 how to play violin or cello regardless of financial ability. With pedagogy based on the Suzuki method and an emphasis on life skills and enjoyment of music, our students participate in weekly group and private lessons, accompanied by a parent, adult friend or family member. Parents and students also attend premiere music events across the city through SBH and regularly interact with the music community around them through SBH events. Since we are in our inaugural year, the Program Director position will initially require a high level of interest in the values of our program and motivation to see it succeed. It will also require high flexibility in developing tasks and a workflow, especially during our first year. We are starting with a single entry level Kindergarten class and will expand each year as we accept new students and retain those already enrolled.
Proposed Salary
$35/hr for Program Responsibilities.
$75/hr for Teaching.
Be main point person for SBH Academy and SBH Location
  • Responsible for scheduling of all SBH Academy group classes and events (until future hire of admin assistant).
  • Responsible for scheduling any cleaning or maintenance of facilities.
  • Coordinate with other program directors for scheduling other programs' events at the SBH location
    • Develop and maintain a calendar for all SBH programs to be viewed by staff
Manage the SBH Academy program
  • Supports our goals and the education of students.
  • Schedule teaching and support staff for group classes and events.
  • Manage other teaching staff (develop regular check in system, point person for call offs and no-shows).
  • Support and coordinate with Curriculum Director to synchronize the program schedule with the curriculum whenever possible.
  • Support community outreach to local partners, businesses, and SBH Academy friends for recitals and events.
  • Support in obtaining student and family feedback.
  • Support in dealing with absences and other difficult behaviors from students, developing and implementing behavior policies, such as reaching out to families and investigating the causes of behaviors, communicating policy next steps, etc.
  • Weekly private lessons (2-3 students to start, will grow each year)
    • These will take place at your own home with a parent or family member of the student present. You will need sufficient space for the three of you to be present in a room for the students' lessons. You will be expected to keep this space professional and clean.
  • Attend most Saturday group classes, rotate teaching with other teachers
    • Set up and take down of space for weekly group classes.
  • Attend and facilitate most field trips and events.
Flexibility and creativity in supporting a developing program. This is our program's first year, and we know there will be changes and needs that we haven't anticipated. Whoever takes on this position will need to be open to taking on unexpected challenges and invested in creatively developing the program to be the best it can be.
Excellent musicianship skills. Proficiency with either violin or cello.
3+ years experience teaching string instruments to children.
5+ years experience with the Suzuki method, either as a teacher or a student.
Highly preferred experience with trauma informed teaching, teaching underserved and economically disadvantaged communities.
Interest in engaging students in the learning process and making lessons fun.
Interest in making SBH Academy a supportive environment for our students and their families.
Interest in improvisation and composition.
Interest in non classical styles of music.
Interest in supporting social change at the individual and community levels.
Strong interest in our values: belief in the power of music education to change lives and help develop personal skills that increase confidence and sense of self in all aspects of life.


Please fill out the information below

First Name*
Last Name*
Email Address*
Phone Number
Tell us a little about yourself and why you are interested in being the Program Director at Strings by Heart